Sun Protection and ‘Hats Off’

Sun Protection and ‘Hats Off’

It is important that students have a SunSmart hat at school as we access the outdoor classroom regularly and want to keep everyone protected. Students are required to wear a wide brimmed, legionnaires or bucket hat when outdoors. We ask that caps are not worn to school. Students without a suitable hat may be directed to shaded areas: ‘No hat, play in the shade’. If eating outside, teachers organise for students to sit in shade areas. Some indoor choices for students are available at lunchtime e.g. library, clubs.

SunSmart hats are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop 

‘Hats Off’: Students are not required to wear a hat during June and July – this is known as ‘hats off’.

Sunscreen: Where practicable, students will be given opportunities to apply sunscreen (brought from home) 20 minutes prior to the lunch break and before participating in outdoor activities. Families are encouraged to support students in applying a daily application of sunscreen before school. Families should advise school of any medical condition which precludes the use of sunscreen lotions. Parents are encouraged to provide sunscreen in their child’s bag for application during the day.

Sunglasses We support the wearing of sunglasses for outdoor activities.


